While keeping betta fish or Siamese fighting fish at home we found that our betta fish got sick and this is completely normal. But we need to realize that our betta fish are sick, and that requires us to observe our betta fish closely for a small amount of time each day.
Many times we have seen our Betta fish get sick and subsequently die. But betta fish do some behaviors before they die or get sick that we should be aware of.
Our betta fish can get sick due to various reasons but we should be aware of betta fish diseases and their treatment. As a result we will be able to heal our betta fish in a very short period of time. So today our topic is about betta fish diseases and home remedies.
Type of betta fish disease:
Betta fish usually get sick due to various bacterial, parasitic and fungal infections. Many times we have seen that the betta fish aquarium is not cleaned and sanitized properly. TDS and pH of the betta fish water is not in control and excess ammonia in the betta fish tank and these things cause our betta fish to get sick. Let us discuss about betta fish diseases,
Betta fish fin and tail rot:
One of the most common diseases that our betta fishes get is fin rot. Usually this disease is caused by bacterial or fungal infection. This disease is highly contagious, meaning that if we have other fish in our betta fish tank, or if we keep more than one betta fish in the tank, the disease will spread to everyone.
Symptom: If our betta fish has fin rot disease, rotting occurs in different parts of the betta fish’s body, such as the fins and tail. Once this disease occurs our betta fish will reduce their food intake and the activity of the betta fish will be reduced.
Treatment: If our betta fish has fin rot disease then the aquarium should be isolated first. No other fish may be placed in this aquarium and these fish may not be suddenly moved from the aquarium to another tank.
We need to change 20% of the water in the tank.
We can use one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water.
Or can use antibacterial powder to recover from fin rot disease. However, before using the antibacterial solution, the directions written on the packet must be followed. Although such antibacterial solutions are easily available at our aquarium pet store or online.
However, consult your veterinarian before using any antibacterial liquid or powder.
Columnaris disease is a bacterial disease. Poor water quality is usually the root cause of the disease. Not only that, if the water temperature of our betta fish is too low, the chances of developing this disease are greatly increased. Therefore, the heater is very important for the Betta fish tank to control the water temperature.
Since the disease is caused by bacteria, it can easily spread to other fish in the tank.
Symptom: Columnaris disease mainly occurs in the gills of the fish and later spreads throughout the body. The gills and body parts of our fish are cottony white. This disease causes our fish to completely stop feeding and become stressed.
Also when this disease occurs in our betta fish, the fish breathes very slowly.
Treatment: First we need to do a 25% water change. Use one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water.
Water temperature should be kept around 80°F.
Since the infection is caused by bacteria, we can use antibacterial aquarium powder if we want.
A small amount or a pinch of potassium permanganate should be placed in a container full of water, and we should keep the fish in that container for a minute and then release the fish into the aquarium.
Ich or white spot disease:
Many times we have seen small white dots appearing on the tail, fins, gills and different parts of our fish’s body. This small white spot disease is called Ich or Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Basically this disease is caused by protozoa and parasites.
Symptom: We can identify the ich disease very easily. Because if our betta fish has this disease, small white spots will be seen in different parts of the fish’s body such as fins, tail, gills. Not only that, our betta fish activity and food intake will be greatly reduced.
Treatment: The standard medicine for Ich disease is copper sulfate chemical, but this chemical is very harmful. So we will never say to use such chemicals in aquariums.
We can use Ich-X liquid solution used for Ich disease. Use 1ml of liquid solution per 2 gallons of water. We should also read the instructions on the package of the solution before using it.
The water temperature in our betta fish tank should be kept close to 80°F and 25% of the water should be changed.
Many times we have seen betta fish in various parts of the body and under the scales, some areas with accumulation of fluid and swelling, which is called dropsy disease. Usually this disease is caused by a bacterial or fungal infection.
Basically, the main cause of this disease is bacterial or fungal infection, which has the greatest effect on the fish’s liver and kidneys. Most of the time we have seen in betta fish, this disease occurs on the lower part of the abdomen.
Symptom: We can clearly see that our betta fish has a lot of swelling in different parts of its body and especially in the abdomen.
If our betta fish has dropsy disease, then the fish stops eating.
Most of the time our betta fish are settled in one place in the aquarium and the activity of the betta fish is very reduced.
Treatment: If our betta fish has dropsy, we should first do a 25% water change in the aquarium. Of course we need to make sure that the pH of our water is neutral or close to 7.
We should use one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water. Or by consulting our veterinary doctor, we can use antibiotic liquid solution for dropsy disease.
Swim bladder disorder:
Every fish has an air bladder, and the main function of this air bladder is to provide sufficient oxygen to the fish and to control the buoyancy of the fish.
If the amount of nitrates in our aquarium increases, then the tendency to develop such diseases increases a lot. There is also a possibility of swim bladder disorder due to various bacterial infections.
However, if we do not maintain the betta fish aquarium properly or keep the water clean, then the chances of getting this kind of disease increases a lot.
Many times our betta fish consume too much food, which also leads to the possibility of such diseases, so we should not overfeed our betta fish.
Symptom: If our betta fish has swim bladder disorder, our betta fish will float at the top of the tank most of the time. Again, many times the betta fish lies at the bottom of the tank.
Our betta fish will not be able to swim properly and our fish will be very unbalanced. Our betta fish stop eating and can die very soon if we don’t get treatment.
Treatment: First we need to stop overfeeding the betta fish. We need to be careful not to increase the amount of nitrates in our aquarium and change 20 to 25% of the water if necessary.
The water temperature in our aquarium should be around 75° to 80°F.
We can use one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water, that is, if our betta fish tank can hold 5 gallons of water, we can use 5 teaspoons of aquarium salt.
Finally we can use antibiotic medicine after consulting our veterinary doctor.
Velvet disease is a very common disease for betta fish. betta fish actually have a parasitic infection called velvet disease that looks like gold dust or rust.
Velvet disease is highly contagious and can easily spread to other fish in our aquarium.
The main cause of this disease is not properly maintaining the aquarium and not using the right water for the aquarium.
If we do not clean our aquarium properly then the TDS, pH and Ammonia in the aquarium water are not under control which increases the chances of such diseases.
Symptom: Our betta fish have a golden dust or rust-like coating on their bodies.
Our betta fish will rub its body against various ornaments or plants in the aquarium.
Our betta fish’s breathing pattern will change drastically or slow down.
Not only that, but our betta fish intake will be greatly reduced.
Treatment: 25 to 30 percent of the aquarium water should be changed.
Aquarium water temperature should be kept around 80° to 85° F.
We use one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water in our aquarium.
We should keep the pH and TDS of the water under control, and if necessary consult the veterinary doctor and use antibiotics.
Many times we have seen our betta fish’s eyes bulge outward. This eye swelling in our betta fish is a cause of great concern to us, and the disease is called Popeye or Exophthalmia.
If our betta fish gets an eye injury for any reason then the chances of developing this kind of disease increases a lot.
Many times we have seen our betta fish rubbing their eyes on small pebbles which may also lead to popeye disease.
Also, an unhealthy environment in the aquarium, viruses and bacteria cause this disease. However, Corynebacterium are the type of bacteria that are most likely to cause this disease.
Symptom: Our betta fish’s eyes bulge outward and swell. Most of the time we have seen beta fish develop a white coating over the eyes.
Not only that, if not treated at the right time, our betta fish’s eyes can be completely damaged.
Treatment: First of all we need to check the water quality of our betta fish tank. 25% of the water in the betta fish tank should be changed when necessary.
One spoonful of aquarium salt per gallon of water can be used. That is, if our betta fish tank holds five gallons of water, we can use five teaspoons of aquarium salt.
Controlling the water temperature in a betta fish aquarium is very important. We should keep the tank water temperature around 80° F
Antibiotic medicine can be used after consultation with a veterinary doctor if necessary.
Hole in head:
Sometimes our betta fish develop small holes in their heads which is called hole in head disease.
Basically this disease is caused by bacteria or other parasites.
Many times, if the bio filter in our aquarium is not working properly, there is a possibility that the amount of ammonia and nitrates in the aquarium will increase. As a result our betta fish are more prone to hole in head disease.
However, not cleaning the aquarium at the right time or not taking care of betta fish is one of the reasons for this disease.
If the immune system of our betta fish is improved then the chances of developing such diseases are very low. If we don’t take care of our betta fish properly or keep the betta fish aquarium unclean then our betta fish can get traces and thus there is a possibility of such diseases.
Symptom: In case of hole in head disease, our betta fish have small holes in front of their head.
A small amount of blood may ooze from small holes in the front of the head.
Our betta fish will reduce food intake, and betta fish activity will be greatly reduced.
Treatment: First of all we have to check if the bio filter used in the aquarium is working properly or not. Twenty-five percent of the aquarium water should be changed when necessary.
A spoonful of aquarium salt can be used per gallon of aquarium water.
TDS, pH and temperature of aquarium water should be controlled.
Antibiotic medicine can be used after consultation with a veterinary doctor if necessary.
Note: If our betta fish is sick, we should never use any antibiotics without consulting a veterinary doctor.
Frequently asked questions and answer:
What to do to prevent our betta fish from getting sick?
It is very normal for betta fish to get sick but we should keep the aquarium environment healthy,
- Do a 10 to 15 percent water change at least once per week.
- The entire aquarium should be thoroughly cleaned every two to three months.
- Always keep the water temperature around 75° to 80° F.
- A very good bio filter should be used in the betta fish aquariums which will greatly reduce the chance of ammonia build up in the tank.
- It is very important that we are aware of adequate and proper feeding of betta fish.
Why is my Betta fish not active?
Betta fish are usually a bit lazy and this is quite normal. Most of the day the betta fish sleeps in a certain place in our aquarium.
But if our betta fish become completely inactive then that is a concern for us. We need to observe our betta fish well to see if there is any problem in its body or not.
If we get any physical problem, then we need to follow some rules to heal our betta fish like,
- Changing 20 to 25% of the aquarium water.
- Keep the aquarium water temperature around 75 to 80 degrees F.
- Check that the bio filter in the aquarium is working properly or not.
- Use one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water.
- Use antibiotics in consultation with a veterinarian if necessary.
Why is my Betta fish not eating?
Many times our betta fish will consume excess food, or if we feed our betta fish live food or warm food it will take over 24 hours for the food to be fully digested. During that time our betta fish do not consume much food and this is completely normal.
But if we see that our betta fish has not eaten for more than a day then it is a matter of concern for us. We need to monitor the betta fish closely and look for any physical problems.
If we find any physical problems in our betta fish then we should follow the above mentioned points well and if necessary consult the veterinary doctor.
Why is my Betta fish always at the top?
Our betta fish move around different parts of the aquarium. We do not use any air pump system in betta fish aquariums.
Many of us use a very small water tank for betta fish. As a result of that, our betta fish sometimes take in oxygenated air from the surface of the water. However, this is very normal and does not cause any physical harm to our betta fish.
But if we see that our betta fish is always floating at the top of the aquarium, then that is a concern for us.
The first reason is that there is not enough oxygen in our betta fish aquarium. So we should always keep aquatic plants in the betta fish tank. As a result, our aquarium does not lack oxygen and the environment of our aquarium improves a lot.
Second, many times our betta fish have a swim bladder disorder that causes the fish to stay at the top of the aquarium most of the time.
Many times the bio filter in our aquarium does not work properly, which leads to an increase in the amount of nitrates in the aquarium which is the main cause of this disease.
Swim bladder disorder is also caused by various bacteria and fungi. Although we have discussed this disease in more detail in our article.
Why is my Betta fish falling on the floor?
Many times our betta fish tend to take naps in different parts of the aquarium, and betta fish are a bit lazy by nature so they are often found lying on the bottom of the aquarium.
Although this is very common, if our betta fish has been lying on the bottom of the aquarium for a long time, it can be a concern for us.
Many times our aquarium water quality deteriorates due to lack of proper care, or if our bio filter is not working, ammonia and nitrates can build up in our aquarium. As a result, our aquarium environment is spoiled and various diseases occur in our betta fish.
One of those diseases is called Swim Bladder Disorder. With this disease, our betta fish will either float on the surface of the water, or lie anywhere on the bottom of the aquarium for most of the time.
By observing our betta fish properly, we can understand what is wrong with our betta fish. Although we have discussed in detail about swim bladder disorder in this article.
How to treat a sick betta fish ?
First of all we need to observe the betta fish well to understand what is wrong with the fish. However, basic treatment for fish is the same as for any disease. as such,
Twenty to twenty-five percent water change.
Keep the water temperature around 75° to 80° F.
Checking that the bio filter in the aquarium is working properly or not.
Other fish in the aquarium should be kept in a completely separate aquarium from the sick fish. Because most of these diseases are caused by bacterial or fungal infections, which are easily spread to other fish.
We should always give a certain amount of food to sick fish. Feeding too much food to our sick betta fish will make the fish even sicker. Also, excess food will continue to settle at the bottom of our tank and subsequently help create ammonia, which is very harmful to our fish.
We need to create an ideal aquarium environment for betta fish.
Home remedies for sick betta Fish?
If we can properly care for our betta fish and improve the aquarium environment, the chances of betta fish getting sick will be greatly reduced.
Although our betta fish can recover very easily if we take proper care at home.
We need to do 20 to 25% water changes in our betta fish aquarium.
Water temperature should be controlled i.e. the water temperature in the betta fish aquarium should be kept around 75° to 80° Fahrenheit.
If there is any decaying aquatic plant in the betta fish tank, it should be removed from the tank.
Use one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water.
Our betta fish aquarium should be placed in an area that receives very little sunlight during the day.
However, if we see our betta fish becoming more and more ill, it is very important to consult a veterinary doctor.
![Sagar Ghosh](https://aquariumfishzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Sagar-Ghosh.jpg)
Welcome to our website Aquarium Fish Zone. My name is Sagar Ghosh and I live in Kolkata. I am a science graduate.
I have kept fish in aquariums since I was very young. I loved seeing the colorful fish in the aquarium.
I have always tried to maintain and care for the fish properly. So me and my team members have created this website.As a result, we can provide you with accurate information about how aquarium fish are kept.