Occasional cleaning of the betta fish tank is very important for proper betta fish care. We think that cleaning a betta fish tank is a complicated task but it is completely wrong.
We can clean our betta fish tank by following some simple methods. Generally we clean our betta fish tank in two ways, first is partial betta fish tank cleaning and second is deep betta fish tank cleaning.
Correct and easy way to clean Betta fish tank:
One thing to always keep in mind whenever we go to clean our fish tank is to wash our hands thoroughly. So that no bacteria, fungi and harmful substances can enter the fish tank through our hands.
Before cleaning the aquarium we should completely power off and unplug the aquarium equipment. Here aquarium equipment refers to heaters, filters and lights.
Before cleaning the betta fish tank completely we should be aware of the betta fish tank setup, because these two methods are very similar.
Betta fish tank cleaning tools:
Cleaning a Betta fish tank requires a few tools. Using those tools we can clean our betta fish tank very easily and in less time. Some tools like, algae scraper or aquarium algae cleaning magnets glass, Siphon vacuum or plastic glass, fish tank sponge cleaning brush, aquarium fish net etc.
Partial betta fish tank cleaning :
Every 7 to 10 days our betta fish tank glass should be cleaned using Aquarium Algae Cleaning Magnet Glass.
Not only that, we should change 15 to 20 percent of the water in our fish tank every week. For this water change we can use siphon vacuum. Using a siphon vacuum can easily remove excess food and fish feces from the bottom of the fish tank. As a result, the possibility of ammonia formation in our betta fish tank will be greatly reduced.
Although we can use a small plastic glass to change the water, we can only change the water in the upper part of the aquarium by using this plastic glass.
Just by following this method we can partially clean our fish tank.
Deep betta fish tank cleaning :
Step-1: First we need to drain 60% of the water in our fish tank using a siphon vacuum or plastic glass.
Step-2: Then take some aquarium water in a small container.
Step-3: Using the aquarium fish net, catch the betta fish and put it in a small container in a safe or secure place.
Step-4: Then use a siphon vacuum or plastic glass to remove the remaining water in the aquarium.
Step-5: Then carefully remove the various plants and ornaments from the aquarium.
Step-6: The gravel or sand in the bottom of the aquarium should be scooped out into a large container for cleaning.
Step-7: We should clean the aquarium completely by using algae scraper or aquarium algae cleaning magnet glass.
Step-8: Aquarium equipment such as heater, filter and aquarium ornament should be washed in clean water.
Step-9: If the plants in the aquarium can be washed in clean water, they must be washed or new plants must be brought for our aquarium.
Step-10: The gravel and sand in a large container should be washed thoroughly with clean water and dried in the sunlight for some time.
Step-11: The aquarium should be kept in its designated place after being thoroughly washed.
Step-12: Add gravel or sand to the aquarium, then 10% water should be given in the aquarium.
Step-13: After 10 minutes the plants brought for the aquarium and the aquarium ornaments should be placed in the specified place.
Step-14: Heater, filter and light will be placed in the aquarium.
Step-15: Then put a small plastic container in the aquarium and slowly pour water on it until the aquarium is full. One thing to keep in mind is that we never fill the aquarium completely with water, we leave 10% space.
Step-16: Now we need to turn on the power to the aquarium heater, filter and lights.
Step-17: When we see that the aquarium water temperature is between 24 and 27 degrees Fahrenheit, we will release the betta fish back into the aquarium.
We should do this whole thing in 1 to 1.5 hours because we can’t keep the betta fish in a small container for too long.
How often should the betta fish tank be cleaned?
How often we clean our betta fish tank depends entirely on the environment of our aquarium.
If our aquarium has a water capacity of 5 gallons or more and a filter is used in the aquarium, a partial tank cleaning every 7 to 10 days will be sufficient.
However, the aquarium should be deep cleaned at least once every three to four months.
Although we have repeatedly said not to keep betta fish in very small containers or clean glass fish bowls.
But for different conditions if keeping betta fish in a clean glass fish bowl or small container then 25% water should be changed once to twice every week.
Why should we clean the betta fish tank?
Cleaning the tank or aquarium is a very important topic when discussing betta fish care. We feed the betta fish daily, but the leftover food tends to accumulate at the bottom of our fish tank.
Not only this, Betta fish feces tend to accumulate at the bottom of the tank.
Later these tiny particles convert into ammonia which is very harmful to our fish tank.
We should measure the ammonia in our betta fish tank at least once a month using an ammonia kit.
Generally our fish tanks should have 0 to 0.25 ppm (part per million) of ammonia. If the amount of ammonia is more than that then it is harmful to our fish.
Although we are more or less aware of bio-filters, using bio-filters will greatly reduce the chances of ammonia in our tank.
Ammonia is converted into nitrite and then nitrate through the nitrification process. Although some good bacteria help in this process like Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus and Nitrobacter etc.
If we clean our fish tank from time to time, the chances of getting bad bacteria and fungus in the tank are greatly reduced.
If we clean our betta fish aquarium occasionally then the TDS of the aquarium water will be correct.
If we clean our fish tank occasionally, our aquarium will look much better and our fish will live much healthier and longer lives.

Welcome to our website Aquarium Fish Zone. My name is Sagar Ghosh and I live in Kolkata. I am a science graduate.
I have kept fish in aquariums since I was very young. I loved seeing the colorful fish in the aquarium.
I have always tried to maintain and care for the fish properly. So me and my team members have created this website.As a result, we can provide you with accurate information about how aquarium fish are kept.